The astrological program „STAR WAY” was developed exclusively for the company „Star Way Alliance” by the specialists of the Institute of Practical Astrology under the guidance of Sergei Kurapov and with the assistance of the astrologers of other countries. This enormous work has been done on the basis of long-term development of computer astrology.
The Practical Astrology Institute was established at the end of 1995.

The main objective of this Institute is the promotion and development of astrology, research in collaboration with experts from most various fields, and the application of astrological knowledge wherever it can bring real benefits.
First of all, this research refers to the spiritual and physical development of the individual, the harmonization of human relationships, as well as the study and investigation of the cosmic and evolution laws. The areas of activity of the Institute are medicine, psychology, and education, harmonization of socio-political relations, history, philosophy, art, economic forecasting, and ecology and so on. The work is carried out in collaboration with specialists from various fields of science, organisations and individuals.
In the Institute, a team of associates has been built with the experience of working together for many years, with expertise in the relevant fields and professional skills.
The Institute includes also the Laboratory of Computer Astrology with all its developments. For four years, the laboratory worked within the Moscow Centre of Astrological Studies. It has developed extensive software and methodological tools.
One of the main directions of the activities of the Institute is the development of computer programs on astrology, psychology, and medicine.
Basically, these are programs for professional astrologers.
The first versions of astrological calculations appeared in 1989. Since then, the program has been constantly improved.
In 2014, the Institute has finalised its astrological program „STAR WAY”. Currently, more advanced versions of the program are being developed.