1917 - the October Revolution took place in Russia


In October 1917, the October Revolution took place in Russia.
On the eve of 2012, Pavel Globa posted a large article on the Internet, addressed primarily to people familiar with astrology. The article has several mundane horoscopes, including the USSR and modern Russia, and their description. Abridged fragment of this article:
 Horoscope of the USSR according to the Porfiry system on 12/30/1922 13h.15 min.
     On this day, the Sun was at the top of the stabilizing configuration "bisextile" from Jupiter, Uranus and Mars, which guaranteed the union of power, power, technology and personality. The sun in Capricorn in the 9th house is a bet on hard power and ideology. Here is Mercury, in the configuration of a closed trigon involving the moon and lunar nodes.
   In addition to this “ideological” trigon, in the horoscope there is also the “force” trigon Pluto - Jupiter - Mars, reinforced with bisextile Mars - Jupiter - Sun. This virtually indestructible configuration contributed to the development of the military industry and the creation of a strong army.
   The “sail” configuration rested on the opposition of the Sun and Pluto, which created a field of tension both within the country and beyond.
The power of the CPSU seemed unshakable - Jupiter in the royal 13th degree of Scorpio, but in the 6th house, hence the definition of the authorities as "servants of the people."
The true essence of the planets is shown by the cosmogram, and in it Jupiter has tremendous power.
  Judging by the "bulletproof" horoscope of the Soviet Union, marked by two closed trigons and two royal degrees (the second at the Ascendant Node), the communist regime had to hold out in the country for a very long time. And he didn’t “rest forever” in 1991, but only mimicked the new Russia through fiscal and administrative structures. The USSR fell into a lethargic dream in order to be reborn from the ashes in the future in a new round of history. This is indicated by the culminating position of the again and again reviving Mercury.
  This can happen during the movement of Pluto on Aquarius in the period from 2024 to 2043. Life itself will make the Russian hero sleeping while he is awake, because it will simply be impossible to sleep ... "


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