Martin Seligman’s doctrine of positive psychology justifies astrology as an instrument of cognition of the future, which can be either positive, to be relished in anticipation, or warning, which is especially worth preparing for
and although according to the astrological calendar the year of the Rat is January 25, 2020, you can make a wish during the traditional celebration - from December 31 to January 1
Tips on how to celebrate the New Year of the Metal Rat
The sun, as it were, freezes at one point, and these 3 days the length of the day is the same. That is why this date - December 25th - is considered the time of the BIRTH of the new SUN and the new LIFE.
A dozen days until the New Year 2020. It is interesting HOW THE ZODIAC SIGNS HAVE A NEW YEAR? Let's joke about this topic.
This sign begins a new 12-year cycle of the Chinese horoscope, and that is why the year of the Rat is considered to be significant for all signs of the zodiac.
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