In astrology, four zodiac signs have been identified, possessing the qualities of werewolves.


People who easily know how to transform, playing different roles, astrologers call "WRITERS." In astrology, four zodiac signs have been identified, possessing these qualities like no other.
This list includes GEMINI, which are full of contradictions. They like to distort reality and lie at every turn, exaggerating and misleading. It is not for nothing that they say about Gemini that they have two guises.
SCORPION is also a werewolf, knowing how to masterfully impersonate another, not really being this person. This, of course, is not about visual transformation. A scorpion can be a darling when it needs to become, figuratively speaking, a real demon, when the need for mercy has disappeared.
Astrologers ranked LIBERS to werewolves. This sign was included in this list due to frequent lies and resourcefulness, but this is more likely due to not offending others. Therefore, Libra has to dodge and change the mask depending on the situation, writes
FISH - also, it turns out, those are still werewolves. They reincarnate when they need support, love or affection. Then this representative of the zodiac circle turns into a kind of sufferer. But in fact, Pisces is doing well.


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