On September 11, 2001, there was a TERRORIST attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.


On September 11, 2001, there was a TERRORIST attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. What was the map of the main victim - the World Trade Center?
The map is rather unfavorable, which can be judged by the state of the head of the ACS and MS, the activity of houses VI and VIII. The only relevant and well-located planet here is the exalted Moon, ruler of the XI, in IX - fruitful international cooperation in material terms.
The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter on cusp of VI can be interpreted as damage from the violent actions of enemies (Jupiter - ruler VII). Since either Jupiter or Mars are the rulers of IV, there is a chance of a fatal outcome. Air attacks are not the first terrorist attack committed here.
The South Node stood exactly on this Saturn, the planets of the VIII house united with Mercury, the head of the ACS and MS. The adverse conjunction of Mars and Jupiter was placed on the DSC of the directorate. Pluto at the ACS in a square with Radix Neptune. The picture is quite disturbing.
In the progressions of planet VIII, the houses moved to IX, the malevolent in the radix progressive Venus in exact conjunction with the progressive Moon, both make an exact sextile to the radix Mercury, a very important but unfavorable planet, and he, in turn, takes again the exact square from the progressive Saturn. Fast moving in the progression of the MS on the day of the attack, it rises to Neptune, located near Antares.
Comparison with the ingression map is even more alarming. Saturn on the Algol foreshadows trouble is located near the WTC (since time is inaccurate, the real MS may well be located here). Natal Mars-Jupiter are activated by the transit Moon-Neptune on MS ingression. Natal Saturn in exact opposition to Pluto Mars. The harmful Venus of ingression hits the junction of the natal Sun-Venus, which is very unsuccessful
Solar is even more impressive. The Solar ACS is located near the South WTC Node, where the United States Sun and New York MS are also located. On the MS of the solarium - natal Mercury, the stricken ruler of the ASC and MS. The position of the angles of the solarium at important points indicates the significance of the events of the current year - both for the WTC itself, and for the city and country.
The planets of the natal VIII house on the antis are located on the IC of the solarium - a rather strong negative constellation, indicating the end of the earthly path. The defeat of Venus and the exaltation of the Sun-ruler of the XII house speak, more likely, of violent acts than of natural processes. Neptune solarium in conjunction with natal Mars-Jupiter; Saturn solarium near natal MS; Pluto and Mars solarium in opposition to natal Saturn - all these are destructive aspects
In the eclipse map, the axis of the ACS-DSC repeats the MC-IC of the solarium, where Mercury and the antis of the Sun-Venus fall. And the axis of the eclipse falls on the ACS-MS solarium and natal Nodes. Feel the chill? She also makes squares to the natal Sun of the WTC, to that of Venus in VIII.
Venus is already approaching the natal MC, which with its defeat in the natal chart is no better than Saturn, who was in the same position in the solarium.
But the axis of the eclipse MC-IC is more impressive, which passes, on the one hand, through natal Saturn and Rigel, and on the other, through the connection of transit Pluto and Mars.

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