
Perseids will be active almost all of August - from the first numbers until August 20, when meteor flashes almost disappear and become extremely rare.
Perseid Peak will fall on the night of August 12-13. About 120 meteors per hour, or 2 per minute, are expected, which is quite a lot. Given that the brightness of the shooting stars will be high, we will have a beautiful sight. Brightness depends on the speed of the particles and on their origin. In this case, we are talking about the comet Sift-Tuttle, through the belt of debris of which the Earth flies every year at this time.
The radiant of the stream is in the constellation Perseus, from which the Perseids took their name. Starting to admire them is somewhere around 10 pm. Starfall is best seen around two in the morning and until four in the morning.
From ancient times, astronomers and astrologers believed that this stellar fall has tremendous strength because of its intensity. Astrologers now believe that PERSEIDS are associated with LOVE GOOD LUCK, with ROMANCE and with FAMILY. It is best to make a wish regarding these particular areas of life.
Perseids bring us love, luck, vivid emotions. This starfall is in no way connected with the financial component, although it is related to creativity, therefore, in the peak phase, people in creative professions can succeed in their favorite business. Love for work is also love, so at the sight of shooting stars you can make a wish associated with achieving some goals in the profession.
Any starfall is beautiful, but the Perseids are one of the most striking phenomena. In August, we are waiting for a wonderful light show, which does not stop for thousands, or maybe millions of years.

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