February 10, in horoscopes in the first place - desires and feelings


Today, on Monday, February 10, in horoscopes in the first place - desires and feelings. The day promises to be unpredictable, eventful, but generally successful.
Even if on this day everything is planned in advance “from” and “to”, it is unlikely that all points of this plan will be implemented. In any important matters, especially in the matter of finance, it is worth checking information and not acting on a hunch - such tactics will bring good results. During the day, prospective acquaintances, conclusion of contracts, establishment or strengthening of business relations are possible.
Today, do not hold back the desire for communication, and then there will be a chance to get from others what you have long been striving for.
In addition, we note that on Monday 10.02.2020:
Moon in Leo
L / C 00:00 - 01:38
The Moon in Virgo - from 01:38
Moon 120 ° Uranus - 06:30
Moon 180 ° Mercury - 16:50
The moon at perigee - 22:28
17-18 lunar days (18:33)
Moon in the sign of Virgo and 17 lunar day.
The moment in order to get into resonance, at the tip of the hype, in the field of attention. Keep in mind that the sun sets harsh scenarios today. If it seems that fate turns its back, and others do not pay attention to your talents, then this is a wonderful chance - to dig inside yourself, carefully plan everything, and take into account all the little things. If you carefully look around, without intention to take advantage of the circumstances, you can understand the world much more deeply.
The energies of the day are connected with obligations, creative forces, heredity and tasks of the kind.
 The symbolic situation is "An angry bull hits a dog." Passions reaching excesses.
If you want to know what can be with you or people close to you, order an individual horoscope in the astrological program STAR WAY


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