Michael Jackson was born in the USA on August 29, 1958 in the small town of Gary, Indiana


Michael Jackson was born in the United States on August 29, 1958 in the small town of Gary, Indiana, the seventh child in the Jackson family (out of 10, one of whom died at birth), as he wrote in his book Dancing A Dream, in the evening.
Local time of birth adjusted for Greenwich Meridian is 22.45. In the first edition of his book, Michael Jackson indicated 23.45, but since the city of Gary is located in northeast Indiana and almost on the border between the Eastern (-5 hours) and Central (-6 hours) time zones, the actual difference with the Greenwich Meridian is quite possible accept in accordance with the Central time zone, i.e. - 6 o'clock.
Michael's sun is in Virgo in the 4th house in conjunction with Pluto - the first indication of very tense relations in the family and, especially, with his father, and not just tense, but transforming psychologically deeply and painfully. Why was such a provision given to him? Bearing in mind that the birth horoscope is primarily a life task that a person must fulfill, we can immediately draw the first conclusion - Michael had to go through this lesson of personality transformation, to understand, so to speak, in his own skin, that the power imposed by cruel methods is bad and very painful.
Moon in Pisces in the 10th house! Here she is - his beloved mother, his authority, his support for life. And where is father? This is Saturn in the 7th house. It seems to be nice, could become a partner for Michael. But ... the quadrature to the Moon ruined everything - the conflict between father and mother put deep sadness into Michael's soul. All his life he suffered from this mental pain, feelings of deep loneliness, melancholy, poisoning his existence. All his life he sought support and comfort in other women, but he could not find them. Father, instead of a partner, became an enemy.
Michael has repeatedly said that he is a very family-oriented person, and that family is the main thing in his life. Is it so? Of course! The ruler of his ascendant - Mercury - is still in the same 4th house, the family house, clan. This was indeed the most important area of ​​life, extremely important for his personal development, it was here that he wanted to direct his efforts, live and act for the sake of his beloved, relatives and relatives, in other words, his family. He realized this his desire in his children, unfortunately, not to the end. I wanted to have 13, but also dreamed of seeing my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He managed to bring into the light of God, unfortunately, only three - two sons and one daughter.


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