MOVEMENT PLANETS for the remainder of DECEMBER 2019


December 12, 2019 - FULL MOON.
The sun in the sign of Sagittarius, the moon in the sign of Gemini. A difficult day in which you can make an offer of easy success, easy money. Remember that real success and real income is never easy. They are just trying to trick you. Do not give in to provocation and deceit.
December 13, 2019 - CHIRON TURNS INTO direct movement in the sign Aries. The tense aspect of Chiron and Jupiter indicates the need for legislative changes - aimed at a more equitable social development program of the country.
December 15, 2019 - the energies of the planets on this day are such that previously CLOSED DOORS can be OPEN. They may give you the key to a difficult situation, a question that you could not resolve for a long time. This may apply to the sphere of relations, and problems of the business plan. You can make the right decision in choosing the future direction of development and activity. In such periods, you can move on to another job, position, without fear of tense consequences. You can make a move to another place of residence.
December 20, 2019 - VENUS passes into the sign of AQUARIUS. Studying innovative technologies, applying the latest technologies in business and entrepreneurship. A good time to study, master IT technologies, create your own website, information space, introduce innovations, inventions, computer technologies into production. In relationships - the pursuit of novelty and experiment. But, do not overdo it in an attempt to dramatically change the nature of the relationship. The partner may not be ready for your new extravagant behavior and change of image to the avant-garde.
December 26, 2019 - NEW! Total SUNNY Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. Day of bright, memorable events, positive, festive mood. Interesting trips, trips, new acquaintances and contacts are possible. A creative, business plan or idea may arise that will be implemented in the coming year and bring good results, tangible results. Fix your thoughts and insights. Make plans for next year.
December 29, 2019 - MERCURY passes into the sign of CAPRICORN
According to the horoscope for December, a change in weather conditions is likely. A sharp, contrasting change in the temperature background, snow storms, storms, abnormal snowfall is possible. Difficult conditions in traffic, transport, and aviation. Closing federal highways, canceling flights. Likely accidents on power lines, local blackouts, power outages.
In January 2020, Mars becomes the sign of Sagittarius. A good time to prepare important important documents, start a new creative or business project, your business.
Uranus unfolds in direct motion in the sign of Taurus - January 11, 2020. The development of the latest scientific and technological revolution will continue.
Implementation of projects in the field of architecture and transport of the Age of Aquarius will receive a new impetus. The world economic system is changing. The complex will increase critical effects in outdated market and capitalist schemes of the world economy and the economies of the leading capitalist countries.
For more accurate forecasts, it is recommended to build an individual horoscope in the astrological program STAR WAY


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