On June 5th there will be a Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on the Descending Lunar Node


On June 5th there will be a Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on the Descending Lunar Node.
Such eclipses are credited with a negative impact: loss, deprivation, unhappy fatal events.
But in reality, everything is not so bad. An eclipse is a zero point. During this period, you can part with those psychological attitudes, with those people and things that are no longer relevant.

If there were no Lunar eclipses, all your life you would carry with you everything that you made and learned, what you got used to from an early age. For example, someone authoritative told you that remote work is not work, but pampering?
If it were not for the Lunar Eclipse, you would have lived with this belief all your life and would not even have tried to change your views.

Lunar eclipses 2-4 times a year allow you to check a particular sphere of life for relevance and abandon obsolete and unviable beliefs, relationships and deeds. Moreover, for most people this goes smoothly - without thunder and lightning from heaven, without strong shocks.

The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius proposes to nullify everything related to attitudes towards politics and social activities, higher education and religious-philosophical and moral-ethical beliefs.

On the day of the eclipse, you can not start anything new, do important things and make important decisions.
The consequences of important steps will be unpredictable, but certainly not what you wanted. As a result, they will somehow lead to some kind of loss. At best, it will be a waste of time and resources.
Today you can’t follow the passions. Unfortunately, the eclipse will stir up in people the worst that they have:
fanaticism; conviction of their innocence; the desire to teach everyone how to live, spend money and raise children; unhealthy ambitions and greed for money, fame, honors. / Source of information: Astromeridian /
Keep yourself in control so that under the influence of strong feelings you don’t make mistakes or spoil relationships with others.

If there is a desire to do an astrological study about what may be in the near future, we recommend the STAR WAY astrological computer program to help.


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