Today, November 20 is the birthday of Maya Plisetskaya, a ballerina from God, the legend of the Soviet ballet.


Сегодня 20 ноября - день рождения Майи Плисецкой, по словам Андрея Вознесенского - балета Цветаевой, балерины от Бога, легенды советского балета. Ни одна балерина не может похвастаться такой творческой жизнью. И это большая заслуга ее мужа Родиона Щедрина (род. 16 декабря 1932 г.). Есть много аспектов сходства (например, Луна Щедрина напротив Сатурна, Луна Майи Плисецкой в ​​Козероге) и наиболее вероятное влечение Щедрина к Лилит Майя Плисецкая.
Once, in an interview, Maya Mikhailovna dropped that on her birthday she thanks her husband for having “put up with her” for so many years (Venus Shchedrina in Scorpio). Maya Mikhailovna has a really strong and tough character: in the cosmogram, the Sun is in Scorpio in conjunction with Saturn (the trigon Pluto), in Capricorn, in addition to the South node, there are three planets, including Venus and the Moon, as well as Jupiter. The female planets are controlled by Saturn, Pluto in the center of the chain of ownership. Moreover, the Moon is not only weak in sign, it is still weak in the sign of the Sun, it is controlled by Saturn in conjunction ("dance or babysit children - I chose the first"), but it is highlighted by the North Node. Add Lilith in Leo (Neptune in Leo) - tremendous willpower, willpower for the stage, for success, for career.
She refused the opportunity to have children, admitting that she took this step consciously: “There are many families with children. Maya Plisetskaya is alone. ” Rodion Shchedrin, whose nodes are on the axis of Virgo and Pisces, in the latter, the Northern node "justifies" his wife in one of his later interviews: "Well now what to say about what is not! And also ... I see many of my friends: how few successful children they have. Especially those who are very busy. Now, if Mozart were born, then it made sense to take risks. "
 The proximity of the composer's moon near Lilith Plisetskaya (I still think Shchedrin’s fiery moon) often gives a special thrill to the interests of the owner of Lilith, and the Jupiters were not the strongest (the breadth of coverage could really not be enough, I had to choose). But it’s interesting how the topic of Lunar Nodes is astrologically played in the map of Maya Plisetskaya, because they have a lot in common with Rodion Shchedrin. Both have the Southern Node overloaded: Maya Plisetskaya in Capricorn with three planets on it (Moon, Venus, Jupiter), Rodion Shchedrin in Virgo also with three planets on it (Mars, Neptune and Jupiter), bisextile on the stellium of the Southern node from it the exaltator of Venus and Pluto (both stewards of the Northern Node are in the stellium).
Maya Plisetskaya has a similar story in the cosmogram: the steward and exalter of the North node on the South in stellium gives him the opportunity to quickly find his application, the steward of the South sends them a sextile in the form of natural industriousness and perseverance. In the sign of the North Node Pluto (for many veterans a certain sign of recognition is a difficult test for the people).
How this program is implemented - the North Node in Cancer in the sign of Pluto with Canopus - through the low-key Moon and the quarry Jupiter. Maya Plisetskaya gave a lot of master classes, was the artistic director of the Roman Opera ballet troupe. If you taught, then always with a soul, and a cause — something that she herself was strong from birth — perseverance, will, a certain system.
Здесь лунный принцип Северного узла полностью подчинен Сатурну (творчество - его детище), Северный узел усиливает Юпитер, Плутон в Раке дал мне много смертельных испытаний, но также огромное количество любви и признания на родине в долгое время
Конечно, это безумно жаль, что Плутон в Раке (Сатурн в 5-м доме кармического гороскопа участвует в бисексуале на стелии южного узла) попросил такую ​​роковую программу для продолжения генов, если вы этого не сделали Отказавшись от вопроса ребенка под тяжестью южного узла, Плисецкая обязательно родила бы и вырастила Щедрина только у Моцарта, никто бы не сомневался.

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