Today is AUGUST 15, 2019 - FULL MOON


The Full Moon period, on the one hand, can be called a dangerous time, because it is not without reason that there are legends about werewolves who changed their appearance when looking at a full heavenly body. That is why at this time you need to be careful not doing anything from the list below:
Avoid conflicts and relationships. This applies to both close relatives and colleagues, as well as superiors. The scandal may drag on for an indefinite period, and past relationships can no longer be restored.
Try to refrain from large purchases, this can lead to rash and pointless spending.
Do not ask the manager for an increase in wages or an improvement in working conditions. Your arguments will be regarded as excessive self-confidence and your superiors after such statements will pay special attention to your work.
Limit yourself from excessive physical exertion. Excessive exercise can cause health problems.
Do not do a spring cleaning. The full phase of the moon is the personification of chaos and creative disorder, so there can be no question of an ideal order.
Be careful with alcohol, since its effect on the body during this period is difficult to predict.
Do not watch horror films, thrillers, mystical TV shows in the Full Moon. These days, a person becomes very susceptible and vulnerable, so take care of your emotional state.
Try to stay calm during the days of the Full Moon, do not follow your emotions, do not make hasty decisions. Caution never hurts, so rely on your common sense, it will tell you the right decision in any situation.
Fearing serious consequences, many people believe that you just need to wait out the Full Moon, and then live a full life again. But this is not so. The full moon, of course, brings a certain amount of chaos to our measured way, but this is its charm. Therefore, in the Full Moon it is recommended:
To be engaged in creativity. During this period, a lot of ideas will visit you, a powerful surge of inspiration will give unique emotions, and your creations will acquire a special originality and charm.
Immersion in yourself will allow you to get rid of increased excitability, calm the raging passions and calm you.
Arrange romantic meetings with your soulmate. It is during the Full Moon that your feelings are naked, all love and emotional attachment to a loved one is manifested in every gesture, every word. It's time to bare your soul and enjoy the romance.
Realize long-planned business. Now you are feeling an emotional uplift that will help you cope with any task.


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